Business Networks for Growth

Raise agility in a digital world

Six Booth is comprised of a team of experienced leaders and growth specialists

If you are looking to grow revenue and scale your organization without costly missteps and mistakes then you have come to the right place. Or, if you are seeking investments to fund your growth, then we could help as well.

Grow Revenue, Scale Your Organization

The path to scalable growth lies in instituting processes and structure to gain visibility, agility, and profitability. We know because we have been there. With our team by your side, you will not miss a beat.

Raise business agility

Start with the right partners and processes for execution at scale

Increase business value

Align technology and operations silos for efficiency and productivity

Get on the growth curve

Tap into innovation to leverage non-linear possibilities that are truly breakthrough

Business Agility

Digital transformation is necessitating new business processes and models to deal with the increased rate of change

The answer is to work as a team with partners that bring in complementary strengths so that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
Identify core strengths

Identify strengths that are core to the enterprise and those that are best filled in by partners.

Select partners

Select the right partners who can add the right value and address any people, process, technology gaps

Define processes

Institute processes for collaboration between partners with appropriate risk reward structures.

Business Value

Technology and operations silos frequently come in the way of scalable growth. Aligning technology with operations is easier said than done.

Working with a team of experts who have been through transformation journeys ensures that the experience and expertise to overcome challenges is close at hand. Data driven insights close the gap and maximize the value of automation.
Assess current operations

Evaluate the current technology and operational footprint to discover gaps that are holding you back.

Develop future state

Build optimized business model that maximizes outcomes through the right mix of people, processes, and technology.

Guide the transformation

Institute program management and governance to ensure that transformation is on track to achieve stated goals.

Business Growth

AI technologies like ChatGPT and others along with other platforms like Robotic Process Automation are holding out new exciting possibilities.

Tapping into these emerging developments requires team members who combine advanced digital skills with a strong understanding of processes and functions. It also may require capital to scale your business.
Identify tech disruptions

Proactively identify and prioritize technologies most likely to impact the industry and enterprise.

Analyze impact

Prepare roadmap to deal with the disruptions and ensure alignment with priorities.

Step up innovation

Look out for innovation opportunities that likely maximize rewards at lowest risk.

The opportunity is here. The time for growth is now!

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